Cryptography is the science of using mathematics to encrypt and decrypt data.
1. Origin of Cryptography
2. Modern Cryptography
3. Cryptosystems
4. Attacks On Cryptosystem
5. Traditional Ciphers
6. Modern Symmetric Key Encryption
7. Block Cipher
8. Feistel Block Cipher
9. Data Encryption Standard
10. Triple DES
11. Advanced Encryption Standard
12. Block Cipher Modes of Operation
13. Public Key Encryption
14. Data Integrity in Cryptography
15. Cryptography Hash functions
16. Message Authentication
17. Cryptography Digital signatures
18. Public Key Infrastructure
19. Benefits & Drawbacks
A criptografia é a ciência de usar a matemática para criptografar e descriptografar dados.
1. Origem de Criptografia
2. Modern Cryptography
3. criptosistemas
4. Ataques a Cryptosystem
5. Ciphers tradicional
Encryption 6. Chave Simétrica Modern
7. Block Cipher
8. Feistel Block Cipher
9. Data Encryption Standard
10. Triple DES
11. Advanced Encryption Standard
12. Modos de cifra de bloco de Operação
13. criptografia de chave pública
14. Integridade de Dados em Criptografia
15. funções Cryptography Hash
Message Authentication 16.
17. assinaturas digitais Cryptography
18. Infra-estrutura de Chaves Públicas
19. Benefícios e Inconvenientes